21 lessons for my 21-year-old self

At 21, I was lost, depressed, in horrible shape, had no confidence, alcoholic, abusing drugs and chasing girls.

At 27, I'm happy, jacked, rich, engaged, built a high-value network, and have a clear purpose in life.

Here are 21 lessons for my 21-year-old self:

  1. God is the greatest. Trust in a higher power to guide you through life's ups and downs. This faith will bring you clarity and perspective.

  1. Stop abusing drugs and start loving yourself. Drugs suppress your true potential; quitting them opens the door to self-love and true happiness.

  1. Staying home alone to focus on yourself is better than going out to get drunk. Use your time alone to grow personally, rather than losing it to nights out that add nothing to your life.

  1. Stop being a people pleaser. Live for yourself, not for the approval of others. Your worth isn't measured by their opinions.

  1. Value your time more than money. Time is limited; use it wisely to become the best version of yourself in every domain of life.

  1. Don't blindly listen to anyone. Think critically and make your own decisions. Others' advice may not always align with your path.

  1. Learn, unlearn and relearn. Be open to changing your beliefs based on new information. Growth comes from flexibility in thought.

  1. Work hard on your body. A strong body builds a disciplined mind and boosts confidence. Train hard.

  1. Avoid tap water and seed oils. Drink less alcohol. All these things are made to suppress your real potential and make you dumb.

  1. Learn from other people's failures. Observing others' mistakes can teach you valuable lessons without wasting your time.

  1. Don't make the same mistake twice. Making mistakes is natural, but repeating them prevents growth. Learn it and never repeat it.

  1. Avoid college. Instead, invest in self-education. There are many paths to success outside of the traditional system.

  1. Have more self-belief and confidence. Believe in your ability to achieve greatness. Self belief and confidence open new doors for you.

  1. Help others as much as you can. If you have more than others, give back to them. It creates a cycle of positivity around you.

  1. Spend more time in nature. Walk as much as you can. Nature heals and rejuvenates the soul. Walking is simple yet profoundly beneficial.

  1. Cut out the energy suckers from your life. Surround yourself with positivity. Let go of those who drain your energy and bring negativity.

  1. Surround yourself with people who challenge and motivate you. The company you keep influences your growth. Choose friends who push you towards your best self.

  1. Travel, network, and read as much as possible. Each of these activities expands your horizons in unique ways.

  1. Take more risks. Stepping out of your comfort zone is where true growth happens. Don't be afraid to fail; it's part of the journey to success.

  1. Stop listening to the mainstream media. Mainstream media is corrupted and has only one agenda: to manipulate your beliefs, thoughts and actions. Think yourself.

  1. Become the man your family feels proud to talk about. Live a life that not only fulfills you but also makes your loved ones proud. Your legacy is defined by your actions and character.

Thank you for reading. That’s all for today.

See you on Saturday,
